Mums 10 gadi!

2020. gada 04. aprīlī sākas Eiropas Jauniešu meistarsacīkstes boulingā, tās norisināsies līdz 13. aprīlim Tilburgā, Nīderlandē.

4-13 April 2020 in Tilburg, The Netherlands
European Youth Championships 2020

Official website: EYC2020
Official facebook: EYC2020





05.01.2020 uzsākas mūsu Jauniešu gatavošanās 2020. gada Eiropas jauniešu meistarsacīkstēm, kas norisināsies  no 04. aprīļa līdz 13. aprīlim Tilburgā, Nīderlandē,

Izlases kandidāti zēniem – Rihards Kovaļenko, Sergejs Kiseļevs, Kirils Kaverzņevs, Jurijs Bokums,

Izlases kandidāti meitenēm – Viktorija Armaloviča, Šarlote Stariņa, Vlada Zaručevska, Mišela Derevjančenko.

Iepriekšējā gada čempionātā mūsu izlases juniors Artemijs Hudjakovs izcīnīja bronzas medaļu kategorijā Singles – EYC2019.

The European Youth Championships have a long and rich history! 

Since the very beginning of the championships, the athletes must be maximum 18 years of age, while there is no lowest age limit. 

The first edition of the European Youth Championships was conducted in 1972 in London, England with 7 federations taking part.

Until 2004 the championships was conducted every second year; as of 2004 every year. At the first three editions (1972, 1974 and 1976) girls and boys was together on mixed teams, while the two genders had each their teams and competitions as of 1978. Until 2008 each team consisted of 6 young athletes, while each team have consisted of 4 young athletes since 2009. In 1972 the athletes competed in Mixed Doubles, Mixed Trios, Mixed Team of Five and Mixed Masters, while the athletes in 1974 and 1976 competed in in Mixed Doubles, Mixed Team of Five Mixed Masters.

In 1978 and 1980 both genders competed in Doubles, Team of Five and Masters, while both gender’s in the championships conducted 1982-2000 competed in Doubles, Trios, Team of Five and Masters. In the championships conducted 2002-2008 both genders competed in Doubles, Trios, Team of Five, All Event and Masters. As of 2009 Singles, Doubles, Team of Four, All Event and Masters have been the disciplines in the competitions for both genders.

To learn more about all previous championships and medal winners, visit


Weekday Date From To Activity
Thursday 02.04.2020 14.00 20.00 Unofficial Practice
14.00 20.00 Ball Registration


Weekday Date From To Activity
Friday 03.04.2020 Last day of team arrivals
10.00 13.00 Unofficial Practice
13.00 16.00 Pro-am activity in center
16.00 20.00 Unofficial Practice
10.00 20.00 Ball Registration


Weekday Date From To Activity
Saturday 04.04.2020 09.00 19.00 Ball Registration
09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 10.00 Team Managers meeting
10.00 11.30 Official Practice Squad 1
11.30 12.30 Lane Maintenance
12.30 14.00 Official Practice Squad 2
14.00 15.00 Lane Maintenance
15.00 16.30 Official Practice Squad 3
16.30 17.30 Lane Maintenance
17.30 19.00 Official Practice Squad 4
19.00 20.00 Break and line up
20.00 20.30 Opening Ceremony


Weekday Date From To Activity
Sunday 05.04.2020 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.15 Boys Doubles Squad 1
12.15 13.15 Lane Maintenance
13.15 16.30 Boys Doubles Squad 2
16.30 17.30 Lane Maintenance
17.30 20.45 Boys Doubles Squad 3


Weekday Date From To Activity
Monday 06.04.2020 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.15 Girls Doubles Squad 1
12.15 13.15 Lane Maintenance
13.15 16.30 Girls Doubles Squad 2
16.30 17.15 Lane Maintenance
17.15 18.00 Girls & Boys Doubles Semi Finals
18.00 18.15 Break and preparations
18.15 19.00 Girls & Boys Doubles Finals
19.00 19.30 Medal Ceremonies Girls & Boys Doubles


Weekday Date From To Activity
Tuesday 07.04.2020 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.15 Boys Team, Block 1
12.15 13.15 Lane Maintenance
13.15 16.30 Girls Team, Block 1


Weekday Date From To Activity
Wednesday 08.04.2020 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.15 Girls Team, Block 2
12.15 13.15 LaneWednesday Maintenance
13.15 16.30 Boys Team, Block 2
16.30 17.15 Lane Maintenance
17.15 18.30 Girls & Boys Team, Semi Finals


Weekday Date From To Activity
Thursday 9.04.2020 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.15 Boys Singles, Squad 1
12.15 13.15 Lane Maintenance
13.15 16.30 Boys Singles, Squad 2
16.30 17.30 Lane Maintenance
17.30 20.45 Boys Singles Squad 3


Weekday Date From To Activity
Friday 10.04.2020 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.15 Girls Singles, Squad 1
12.15 13.15 Lane Maintenance
13.15 16.30 Girls Singles, Squad 2
16.30 17.15 Lane Maintenance
17.15 17.45 Girls & Boys, Singles Semi Finals
17.45 18.00 Break and preparations
18.00 18.30 Girls & Boys, Singles Finals
18.30 19.00 Medal Ceremonies Girls & Boys SinglesMedal Ceremonies Girls & Boys All Event


Weekday Date From To Activity
Saturday 11.04.2020 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 10.15 Boys Masters, Step 1 (8 matches)
10.15 11.30 Boys Masters, Step 2 (8 matches)
11.30 12.15 Lane Maintenance
12.15 13.30 Girls Masters, Step 1 (8 matches)
13.30 14.30 Girls Masters, Step 2 (8 matches)
14.30 15.15 Lane Maintenance
15.15 16.30 Girls & Boys Masters, Step 3 (2 X 4 matches)
16.30 17.45 Girls & Boys Masters, Step 4 (2 X 2 matches)


Weekday Date From To Activity
Sunday 12.04.2020 09.30 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 11.15 Girls teams – Final
11.15 11.45 Lane Maintenance
11.45 13.00 Boys Teams – Final
13.00 13.30 Medal Ceremonies Girls and Boys Teams
13.30 14.00 Lane Maintenance
14.00 15.15 Girls Masters Step 5
15.15 15.45 Lane Maintenance
15.45 17.00 Boys Masters, Step 5
17.00 17.30 Medal Ceremonies Girls & Boys Masters
20.00 00.00 Banquet


Weekday Date From To Activity
Monday 13.04.2020 Departure
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